[Public/Financial Sector]
Customers demand to take measures
to minimize their damage caused by fraudulent accesses.
Customer Challenges
They demand immediate responses to unauthorized access right after detection because increasingly advanced cyber-attacks make perfect protection against fraudulent access no longer possible.
SDx+M can immediately resolve these challenges!
WideAngle Managed Security Service enables analysis and detection of fraudulent access data. By combining those data with our SDx technologies, only the devices infected with malware can be logically isolated from networks immediately after detection of unauthorized access.

Customer Benefits
Immediate isolation of the devices infected with malware prevents information leakage and secondary infection, thereby minimizing customers’ damage.
Accurate understanding of the situations before/after security incidents enables customers not only to identify the scope of damage but also to visualize potential risks, thereby minimizing impact on their businesses.
Example of Combined Services/Solutions

Use Case

Hybrid Network
[Manufacturing/Distribution Industry]
For the customers who demand to optimize their communication costs by using connectivity to clouds via optimal networks
in response to the quality requirements of applications.

Sophisticated Collaboration for Security
[Public/Financial Sector]
For the customers who demand to take measures to minimize their damage caused by fraudulent accesses.

Innovation of Infrastructure for Core Systems
[Manufacturing/Distribution Industry]
Customers demand to deploy ICT infrastructure by migrating their core systems into cloud to flexibly address various changes in management environments.

Sophisticated Store Operation
[Retail/Service Industry]
Customers plan to use AI and surveillance cameras to achieve sophisticated store operation.