Respect for Employees

Undertaking business with respect to employees while enabling them to succeed
While carrying out the responsibilities of companies, employees independently aim for their own happiness and development and are partners that grow with those companies. At the NTT Communications Group, we have measures in place to nurture talented employees with a keen awareness of globalization to grow together with our employees. Over the past few years, attention worldwide has focused on diversity in management as more emphasis is placed on supporting the wellbeing of employees and turning diversity into a competitive advantage. As more women join the workforce and new working styles are adopted, NTT Communications is trying out various new measures, including personnel exchanges around the world.
◆ CSR Priority Activities
◆ CSR Priority Activities
Human Resource Development
Our Approach
A company that invests in human resource development and building sustainable, mutually beneficial relationships with its employees is the foundation for achieving SDG 8 “Decent Work and Economic Growth.” These are important management issues. Our goal is to develop our employees so that they become capable of independently operating our businesses. To that end, we have positioned our Professional Human Resource Development Program as the main pillar of our human resource development policy and encourage all Group companies to take advantage of it.
Under the program, we first define the ideal employees and visualize the required skillsets.
We then assess each individual’s skills and identify current gaps. Finally, we take these into consideration when assigning duties and reviewing training needs.
This is a virtuous cycle that supports continuous growth.
The implementation rate for our Professional Human Resource Development Program reached virtually 100% in fiscal 2010 and remains steady. We have also achieved solid progress in both raising employee skills and increasing the number of senior rank employees.
To boost competitiveness by accelerating digital transformation, we are currently promoting measures that emphasize the development of personnel who can drive digital transformation. While maintaining our belief that practical experience is the most effective, we will particularly develop human resources that strengthen specialist expertise with a view toward cultivating human resources in line with our mediumterm growth strategies.
Primary Concept
In view of the rapidly changing business environment and customer needs, NTT Communications has defined its ideal employees as professionals with practical technical abilities and skills for their respective responsibilities backed by their pride and experience. They are also capable of making decisions independently and taking action as members of the team that maximizes added value. We have launched a Professional Human Resource Development Program from the perspective of actively developing professionals with qualities such as competence and interpersonal skills, in addition to extensive knowledge and experience in their areas of expertise. Our multiple revisions for raising the program effectiveness have given us a satisfactory result, with more than 70% of employees obtaining certification above the milestone level.
However, in the midst of dramatic changes in the business environment and markets, additional considerations have become clear. First, we need a mechanism for ensuring that our categories and definitions for specialized fields consistently correspond with our business strategy and the market. Second, we need a curriculum for producing results that are directly linked to our businesses. We will therefore transform our human resource development program to continuously generate the personnel required for our business strategies,with closer links to our operations and clearly defined responsibilities for nurturing human resources, so that both the company and its employees can continue to grow.
◆ CSR Priority Activities
Respect for Diversity and Equal Opportunities
Our Approach
The NTT Communications Group focuses on creating workplaces that allow personnel with diverse backgrounds to work to the best of their ability, regardless of gender, sexual orientation or sexual identity, age, birthplace, nationality, or disability.
We established the Diversity Promotion Office in April 2008, and our diversity-related initiatives have mainly focused on supporting career development for women and hiring people with disabilities as well as work style reforms and establishing a shared understanding of diversity in the workplace.
The general public has demonstrated particular interest in promoting active roles for women.
For example, in Japan more advanced measures are being implemented through public-private partnerships based on the Act of Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace.
On a global scale, corporations are expected to lead by example to achieve SDG 5 “Gender Equality.” To this end, we are taking steps to advance in this area as well.
Diversity promotion is thus positioned as being essential for the sustainable development of business.
In order for diversity to take root, top management shares diversity messages in and outside of the Group.
Primary Concept
To respond to diversifying customer needs, the NTT Communications Group is striving to create a work environment that encourages employees with different personalities and backgrounds to work together.
This maximizes their abilities as they deliberate over values and generate ideas that open up new business opportunities.
Therefore, we are actively promoting and disseminating diversity across the organization.
Diversity Promotion
◆ Promotion of Diversity Fundamental Policy
- ・Foster a corporate culture that leverages employee diversity to achieve targets stated in management strategies
- ・Continue to create environments that allow employees to perform at their full potential to develop human resources who further their own transformation and creativity
◆ Diversity and Inclusion Trends

◆ CSR Priority Activities
Maintaining and Improving Employee Health
Our Approach
The concept of “decent work” as declared by the International Labour Organization (ILO) at the 1999 International Labour Conference has been widely adopted by many global corporations,with the goal of implementing human resources and occupational safety and health initiatives to ensure that employees find satisfaction and human dignity in their work. In addition, spurred on by SDG 8 “Decent Work and Economic Growth,”there has been a greater public expectation for building a framework in which people can lead healthy, satisfying lives that include working. Thoroughly implementing occupational safety and health policies is clearly a key to establishing work environments in which employees can perform to the best of their abilities. However, we have always believed that another factor is just as important: ensuring that the work environment is and remains a place that allows employees to lead healthy and satisfying working lives. We therefore value both respect for work-life balance and the thorough implementation of occupational health and safety practices. These provide the pillars for our actions directed toward maintaining and improving employee wellbeing.
Primary Concept
The Work-Life Committee at NTT Communications, established to create more satisfying workplaces and help employees improve their work-life balance, is the core organization for advancing Groupwide initiatives in this area. The committee,comprised of management and employee representatives,continually strives to implement a range of measures forrealizing work styles that are more efficient and productive while also ensuring that duties are carried out effectively and thoroughly.
In fiscal 2019, we sought to promote and establish our remote working systems, including flextime and teleworking,which had been introduced across the Group in fiscal 2017.With particular respect to remote working, we accelerated the pace of employee use of the system by actively participating in the Telework Days national campaign, spearheaded by Japan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication to promote teleworking as part of the government’s work style reforms. We also developed initiatives to raise awareness of efforts to encourage leaving work at standard times by such measures as designating promotional months, early planning of annual leaves, and periodic distribution of e-mail newsletters that highlight efforts for improving work efficiency and communications.
* In May 2021, we set out a new Sustainability Policy as an upgrade to the Fundamental CSR Policy. CSR priority areas, priority activities and achievements thereof, targets, and other items shown in this website are linked to the former Fundamental CSR Policy.