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Company TTK
March 4, 2010
NTT Com Links IP-VPN Services with TTK in Russia
TOKYO, JAPAN and MOSCOW, RUSSIA - NTT Communications (NTT Com), a global ICT solutions provider, and Company TTK (TTK), the operator of Russia’s largest fiber-optic network, announced today the interconnection of NTT Com’s Arcstar™ Global IP-VPN and TTK’s IP-VPN services in Russia, and the availability of Arcstar Global IP-VPN service nationwide.
As Japanese and other multinational companies expand their operations beyond Moscow and Saint Petersburg into the Russian Far East and other regions, their needs for efficient ICT networks are growing. By interconnecting their two networks and harmonizing basic specifications and procedures, NTT Com and TTK will provide multinational customers with reliable, seamless, low-cost access between offices worldwide and throughout Russia.
"NTT Communications has been working aggressively to support the global expansion of multinational enterprises by providing them with a growing range of high-quality services," said NTT Com’s Yosuke Seki, Vice President of Service Development in the Global Business Division. Russia is a key emerging market for our customers, a main reason why we established NTT Communications Russia in January 2009. TTK, of course, has been a strategic partner of ours since 2006, when we began collaborating on the Hokkaido-Sakhalin Cable System. The interconnection of our IP-VPN services now enables us to provide fully managed ICT services throughout Russia in support of our customer’s ICT optimization initiatives."
"With our Russia-wide network NTT Com will be able to secure good service coverage in the Russian Federation for its Global IP-VPN network. For us it is another important step forward in our cooperation," said Igor Kelshev, TTK Senior Vice President for International Sales and Marketing.
The strategic partnership between NTT Com and TTK began with a memorandum of understanding signed in 2006 to develop data networks, which resulted in the construction and launch of the Hokkaido-Sakhalin Cable System, a 570 km, 640 gigabit/second undersea fiber-optical cable linking Ishikari, Hokkaido and Nevelsk, Sakhalin, the shortest route between Japan and Russia.
Arcstar Global IP-VPN services are available in 159 countries and regions.
About NTT Communications Corporation
NTT Communications provides a broad range of global networks, management solutions and IT services to customers worldwide. The company is renowned for reliable, high-quality security, hosting, voice, data and IP services, as well as expertise in managed networks and leadership in IPv6 transit technology. NTT Communications’ extensive infrastructure includes Arcstar™ Global IP-VPN and Global e-VLAN, as well as a Tier-1 IP backbone reaching more than 150 countries in partnership with major Internet service providers, and secure data centers in Asia, North America and Europe. NTT Communications is the wholly-owned subsidiary of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, one of the world’s largest telecoms with listings on the Tokyo, London and New York stock exchanges. Please visit www.ntt.com/index-e.html.
About CJSC TransTeleCom (Company TTK)
Founded in 1997, CJSC TransTeleCom (Company TTK) operates and services one of the largest fibre-optic networks in Russia. Its ’Eurasia Highway’ transcontinental data delivery backbone offers the geographically shortest route between the economies of Europe and the Far East. TTK is owned by the Russian Railways and its network is laid along the railways, spanning more than 55,000km at a network-wide bandwidth capability of up to 220 Gbps. A total upgradeable capacity of 400Gbps, minimum latency of less than 200 milliseconds between PoPs in London and Hong Kong together with multi-ring topology makes it the choice for domestic and international operators seeking next-generation telecom services, security, resilience and network diversification. TTK runs seven points of presence in major European and Asian cities as well as more than 1,000 further PoPs throughout Russia and CIS. Its infrastructure includes 17 regional branches. Customers and partners include AT&T, the Beijing Olympics 2008, Sakhalin Energy, BT, NTT Communications, Orange Business Services and TeliaSonera. In 2008 S&P awarded TTK with a Corporate Governance Rating of 4+, and Fitch Ratings rated TTK an A(rus) national credit rating, outlook ’Stable’. TTK’s consolidated income in 2008 was US$0.87 billion, with a profit of US$ 61 million. From 2008 TTK has actively explored both the business-to-business and business-to-consumer markets with its own national broadband programme.
(Mr.) Yasuhiro Kajiki
NTT Communications Russia LLC
Tel. +7-495-287-4001
(Mr.) Ilya S. Fabrichnikov
(both English and Russian are available)
Company TTK
Head of Mass Media Relations
Tel. +7-495-784-6670 ext. 7371